Simon Crean MP 



Journal of an aspiring PM league of rights crikey young libs labor mumble one nation nats abc


Friday, October 18, 2002

My future is on the line, says Illawarra Mercury. Where's Stuart Littlemore when you need him?

D-Day. Knot in stomach.

See young Lauchie at the Andrew Olle speech thingee last night? The lad had a point to make about uppity broadsheets and the ABC, which is worth making, but he should have availed himself of a ruthless editor or studied the opinion page of his own broadsheet, The Oz.

Short, sweet and pungent makes for good message, especially one uncomplicated, like Lauchie's. But the boy droned on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

Martin just phoned. "Mate, re fucked nCun ham" (see deciphering Martin)

Thanks for the vote of confidence, me old mate. But I fear his words are true.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

More on the "story" of the US expressing an interest in Cunningham.

Martin says Cunningham tomorrow will be a contest "tween real strayns n un-strayn nkers"" [between real Australians and un-Australian wankers, see Deciphering Martin ]

The un-Australian wankers are, of course, Greens voters. Martin loathes them with a passion, no less so because they reside disproportionately in his own electorate of Batman.

Now this story in the Merc has a new poll showing us losing closely the Greens tomorrow.

De facto Lib Moulds has overtaken Wilson as the third biggest vote getter. This is a silver lining, as his voters (despite his how to vote card) are probably more likely to preference us than Wilson's would be.

Confused? Don't be, just be afraid very afraid, like me.

On a more existential note: just what am I doing here in Bali? Am I of any use to anyone?

Greetings from an internet cafe in Sanur Beach, Bali. Much more my style than tacky Kuta.

I'll be back for Cunningham on Saturday. I'm very very worried about it, actually. Alan Ramsey will be gunning for me if we go down, and when Alan's on to you he's like a dog with a bone, week in week out.

He's ever so kind to the PM these days. I put it down to creeping conservatism in old age and a meeting of minds.

Yanquis interested in Cunningham, according to that great paper of record, the Illawarra Mercury.

Monday, October 14, 2002

Dear Diary,

This may sound callous, but things are now looking better for us this Saturday in Cunningham. I'm really, really glad the Liberals aren't running.

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