Simon Crean MP 



Journal of an aspiring PM league of rights crikey young libs labor mumble one nation nats abc


Friday, December 06, 2002

Alan and Mark, you see, are both members of a think tank called the Whitlam Institute. They colluded to oust the Chairman Peter Botsman a couple of months ago, so they've got form.

So they see each other from time to time, presumably have each other's emails and so on. It would be beyond belief to imagine that my name never came up, or that Alan wouldn't be egging Mark to have a go.

Carmen's got a point. The Federal Labor Party is now run by Angry White Males. My dear friend Martin, God bless him, is a fine example.

What's a chap to do? Roll on Chrissie.

The question for you Carmen is: if you cut me down, who will follow? You can get an idea from today's Alan Ramsey two pronged pre-emptive strike. The main column is choc-full, as is Alan's wont, of slabs of dialogue - yours this time from your dummy spit. Alan's final words: "She is talking about leadership, of course. Goodbye, Simon Crean."

Then, the bottom bar again sings the praises of, guess who, Mark.

Carmen, if you think I'm a gutless capitulator to the shrivelled John Howard vision of Australia, Mark would be an enthusiast. It's fair to say his approach to boat people would be to turn up and personally give each of them a knuckle sandwich, plus a crash tackle for good measure, and then toss in the clanger in the desert and throw away the key. He'd think that was being a soft touch, and on that, if not much else, he'd get agreement from the Ferguson boys.

If I go, whatever follows will surely be much, much worse, you foolish foolish woman.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Another most unpleasant dream. This time Carmen's quitting the front bench at about the worst time possible, having a general spray at me and the party on the way out.

It seemed so real.

Monday, December 02, 2002

If you thought I was unimpressive last night on 7:30 Report, just put yourself in my shoes. It's been a hellish year, especially the last month or so. My confidence is so shot that I knew I sounded lame even while I was answering Kerry's questions. Surely you've been there; you suspect that all your critics are right. I know I'm not as impressive at all this stuff as Kim Beazley, but look where that got him.

After a Xmas break with family, hopefully I'll return renourished, confident and on top of things. Not long till year's end now.

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