Simon Crean MP 



Journal of an aspiring PM league of rights crikey young libs labor mumble one nation nats abc


Thursday, December 19, 2002

"Ken, my old friend" said Prime Minister John Howard. He was reclining with a cigar and glass of scotch. "Have you seen this new book by Keith Windschuttle? It pains me when such things are written, as I have always had a great deal of affection for Aboriginal Australians. But the truth must out. If Windschuttle says there were no atrocities committed by our forefathers, and indeed the only people who behaved shamefully were the blacks, and we have nothing to be sorry for, if anyone does it's them, then who are we to argue?"

Ken, his faithful manservant, began to cry, for he loved this man like a father.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia, the best country in the world to live in bar none, had the Concise Oxford Dictionary open at page 917. He read the relevant listing out to his faithful manservant Ken. "Racism. Theory that human abilities etc. are determined by race."

"That's all master?" asked Ken, as he polished his master's shoes.

"That's all! I'm off the hook. I have never suggested that human abilities are determined by race. Never. If anyone says I have they are lying. I am not racist."

"No master, you are not racist, you are great" smarmed Ken. He loved the PM so.

John Howard looked out the window at the Australian flag. "We are not racist", he repeated several times. He rang his good friend Bill Heffernan. "Bill, you're not racist." he said and then hung up. He loved this country so.

To be continued .....

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